Task 1:  “Confess” your book habits.  Dog-earring?  Laying books face down?  Bending back the spines? Skimming?  OR: Confess your guilty reading pleasure, or comfort reads.


Oh, my. I do all of those. Plus taking a pencil to those books I own, marking good passages or bad translations.


Task 2:  It’s “Pennants” day according to MbD’s husband:  post a picture of your favorite team’s logo / mascot and the last time they’ve won a championship (or not).


Task 3: In centuries gone by, penance would often end up in what might be described as a very extended bad hair day (complete with sackcloth and ashes). Tell us: What’s a bad hair day to you – and what (if anything) do you do about it?



Since I've got the good luck of very fine, straight hair, most of my issues are around frizz and little else. When it's long enough, I just pull it into a bun. It's actually more of a hazzle now that I wear it short, lol.


Task 4: Early Christian spiritualists would sometimes do penance by spending time in the desert. If you’ve ever visited a desert region (or even live there), post a picture and tell us about it. Alternatively, post a picture of sand dunes (NOT with water in the background!).


Book:  Read any book concerning a man / woman of the cloth, a book about a character hiding a guilty secret or searching for absolution.